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2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl
     by Daniel Pinchbeck

Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin

  ChickenBones: A Journal
  for Literary & Artistic
  African-American Themes

Earth Island Institute | Earth Island Journal

"For the Nazis, geopolitics dictated
a profound interest in the Muslim
peoples of what they called
'The Earth Island'--a giant, contiguous
land mass that encompasses all of Europe,
much of the Middle East, the former
Soviet Union, India (including Pakistan
at the time), and China. Stretching from
the Straits of Gibraltar to the Pacific
coasts of China and Russia, this land
mass contains most of the world's
territory, population and natural
resources--oil in particular.
Control that land and you control
the world. Accordingly, the Nazis built
alliances with the various Muslim
populations (Arabs in particular) that
are indigenous to many of the most
important petroleum-producing regions.
Writing in 1951, John Roy Carlson
witnessed and chronicled the postwar
Nazi recrudescence in the Middle East
in Cairo to Damascus a work that has
particular importance for students of
the events of 9/11/2001." --Dave Emory

Dark Gremlins Who Live Between Floors and Under
The Stairs will STARE uncontrollably at the

In our youth, it was our habit to stretch a taut cable
from the Arc de Triomphe to the Eiffel Tower and walk
across it carrying only a big stick. Our sense of balance
was impeccable, to which we attributed long hikes in the
hills. Our unconscious equilibrium oscillated thus:
the less we hiked in convoluted mountains,
the less we could keep our balance atop
the thin, tight cable.
  A simple

Once upon a time, when I was a small child visiting Portland
Oregon, USA, with my family, it seemed like an interesting
idea to watch the soles of my shoes ride the escalator
step right down to and into the bottom edge where the metal
step flattens and slides into the escalator's final
disappearing descent. Curiously, where the teeth of the
step meet the teeth of the escalator floor, the sole of
one of my shoes (which I was of course wearing at the time)
became entangled in the metallic teeth from which I could
not remove my shoe or foot!  Amazingly, I was completely
unhurt, as the escalator was eventually turned off,
and my shoe/foot disentangled; however, a small crowd
of pale, white people had gathered to stare at me like
mute zombies, which, more than anything else, made me cry.

Meanwhile, many years later...

"M. Night Shyamalan" wrote, produced, and directed a
crappy movie, "The Happening," (a bit of a throw back
to a Hitchcock thriller but without the Hitchcockian
suspense), that had one interesting element in it:
a short-lived airborne toxin triggered in plants
which spontaneously develops an evolutionary
defence mechanism against crowds of humans
that leads people to kill themselves.

Perhaps people are "falling over," more feverishly
these days, because Planet Earth is getting an
itchy rash it just can't quite scratch?

Know the feeling?


Sun Goes Longer Than Normal Without Producing Sunspots
ScienceDaily (June 9, 2008)
The sun has been laying low for the past couple of years,
producing no sunspots and giving a break to satellites.
That's good news for people who scramble when space
weather interferes with their technology, but it became
a point of discussion for the scientists who attended
an international solar conference at Montana State
University. Approximately 100 scientists from Europe,
Asia, Latin America, Africa and North America gathered
June 1-6 to talk about "Solar Variability,
Earth's Climate and the Space Environment."

The scientists said periods of inactivity are
normal for the sun, but this period has gone
on longer than usual. "It continues to be dead,"
said Saku Tsuneta with the National Astronomical
Observatory of Japan, program manager for the
Hinode solar mission. [...] The last cycle reached
its peak in 2001 and is believed to be just ending
now, Longcope said. The next cycle is just
beginning and is expected to reach its peak
sometime around 2012. Today's sun, however,
is as inactive as it was two years ago, and
scientists aren't sure why. "It's a dead face,"
Tsuneta said of the sun's appearance.

Tsuneta said solar physicists aren't like
weather forecasters; They can't predict the
future. They do have the ability to observe,
however, and they have observed a
longer-than-normal period of solar inactivity.
In the past, they observed that the sun once
went 50 years without producing sunspots.
That period, from approximately 1650 to 1700,
occurred during the middle of a little ice age
on Earth that lasted from as early as the
mid-15th century to as late as the mid-19th century.


    "The date December 21st, 2012 A.D.
( in the Long Count),
represents an extremely close conjunction
of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing
point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the
Milky Way) and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun),
what that ancient Maya recognized as the
Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been
coming to resonance very slowly over thousands
and thousands of years. It will come to
resolution at exactly 11:11 am GMT."


THE SUN bounces up and down
 as it wanders the galaxy
 hurling comets our way,
  maybe She feels alienated amid
   the Milky Way outskirts and
    would just as soon fade:

Solar Radiation

Solar radiation drives atmospheric circulation.

Since solar radiation represents almost all the
energy available to the earth, accounting for
solar radiation and how it interacts with the
atmosphere and the earth's surface is
fundamental to understanding the earth's
energy budget.

Solar radiation reaches the earth's surface
either by being transmitted directly through
the atmosphere ("direct solar radiation"), or
y being scattered or reflected to the surface
("diffuse sky radiation"). About 50 percent of
solar (or shortwave) radiation is reflected back
into space, while the remaining shortwave
radiation at the top of the atmosphere is absorbed
by the earth's surface and re-radiated as thermal
infrared (or longwave) radiation.

The intensity of solar radiation striking a
horizontal surface is measured by a pyranometer.
The instrument consists of a sensor enclosed in
a transparent hemisphere that records the total
amount of shortwave incoming solar radiation.
That is, pyranometers measure "global" or "total"
radiation: the sum of direct solar and diffuse sky
radiation. Incoming (or "downwelling") longwave
radiation is measured with a pyrgeometer.
Outgoing ("upwelling") longwave radiation is
measured in various ways, such as with
pyrgeometers or with sensors that measure
the temperature of the surface.

Fluxes are positive downward and negative
upwards. All radiation fluxes are expressed
as energy per unit area (generally watts per
square meter, or W/m^2). Accurate estimates
of albedo are especially important as albedo
places a fundamental limit on the amount of
solar radiation that can be absorbed by the
surface. For example, albedo strongly determines
the rate of melt of sea ice. Over longer periods
of time, changes in components of the radiation
balance can be manifested in climate change.

Factors Modifying the Role Solar Radiation
Plays in the Earth's Energy Budget

The most important factors influencing how
much shortwave radiation reaches the earth's
surface and how much is absorbed are time and
day of year, cloud cover, and albedo.

Time of Day and Year

The intensity of solar radiation varies
significantly over the course of a year
ranging from no solar radiation during the
polar winter to a maximum of 350 to 400 watts
per square meter (W/m2) in the summer.
Over the course of a day, the sun's angle
above the horizon (solar altitude) influences
the intensity of solar radiation: the noon sun
is more intense than the rising or setting sun.
The maximum altitude of the sun depends on
time of year and latitude. Of course, during the
polar winter the sun is below the horizon for
24 hours, and there is no solar radiation, while
at midsummer the sun changes little in altitude
over the course of a day.

Cloud Cover

Clouds reflect some incoming radiation back to
space, thereby reducing the amount of radiation
that reaches the earth's surface. However, clouds
also re-radiate infrared energy back toward the
earth's surface, thereby moderating the temperature
of the lower atmosphere. Globally, clouds have a
cooling effect on the earth-atmosphere system,
because of their high albedos. In polar regions
however, clouds seem to have a net warming
effect as the reduction in solar radiation is
outweighed by the effect of clouds in increasing
longwave radiation to the surface.


Incoming solar radiation that strikes the earth's
surface is partially reflected and partially
absorbed, in proportion to surface reflectivity
(albedo). Darker surfaces have a lower albedo
and absorb more solar energy than do lighter
surfaces. The albedo of a surface is also a
function of the incidence angle of solar radiation
that is, the amount of solar energy a surface
absorbs will depend on the solar altitude).

Newly fallen snow has an albedo of approximately
0.90, meaning that it reflects about 90 percent of
incoming radiation. In contrast, melting snow has
an average albedo of 0.50, meaning that it absorbs
50 percent and reflects 50 percent of the incoming
radiation. Because a darker surface absorbs more
solar radiation, snow covered by dust (dirty snow)
melts faster than clean snow. The albedo of sea ice
varies with ice age, but when snow covered is on
the order of 0.70.

Open water absorbs the most radiation of all
arctic surfaces. With an albedo of about 0.08,
it reflects only 8 percent of the incoming radiation.
However, the variation of albedo with solar altitude
is especially pronounced for the surfaces of oceans
and lakes. The albedo of a water surface increases
with decreasing solar altitude and approaches a
mirror-like 100 percent near sunrise and sunset,
or when the sun is low in the arctic sky.

Important changes in surface albedo can occur
seasonally. Over land, heavy winter snow cover
increases surface albedo considerably. In middle
and high latitudes, significant increases in surface
albedo accompany the winter formation of lake
and sea ice.

A comment about the seasonal
cycle of solar radiation

The following description of the seasonal cycle
of solar radiation based on gridded global
radiation fields has been drawn from the data
section of the Arctic Climatology Project
Arctic Meteorology and Climate Atlas.

The field of global radiation for March shows a
primarily zonal pattern, that is, one in which
radiation decreases with latitude. This occurs
because in March, the amount of solar radiation
at the top of the atmosphere decreases sharply
with increasing latitude. From April through
August, latitudinal variations in solar radiation
at the top of the atmosphere are less pronounced,
so that cloud cover plays a strong role in
determining the flux reaching the surface.
Consequently, radiation patterns from April
through August are very asymmetric. Fluxes are
lowest over the Atlantic sector, where cloud
cover is greatest. Fluxes peak over central
Greenland from May through August. In large
part, this illustrates the tendency for the high
central portions of the ice sheet to be above
the bulk of cloud cover. The highest fluxes
are found in June because radiation at the top
of the atmosphere peaks in June. Note for June
the rather high fluxes over the central Arctic
Ocean. This is largely explained in that cloud
cover over this region is comparatively
limited. From July onwards, radiation fluxes
decline. September shows a zonal pattern,
which as with March, arises from the strong
latitudinal variation in solar flux at the top of
the atmosphere for this month.



 Actually, I blame myself, in part, for
the discombobulation, as a rambunctious parallel
universe of multidimensional boderline personalities
(who live under the stairs, inbetween floors, with
shoe fetishes and sole-full stares) have from time
to time got caught up in the mix of forwarded missives,
on the fly, trans-temporally, mischeviously, playfully,
indistinguishably incoherent babble now trailing off...

We are great sentient beings who should always,
and in all things, be forgiven for acts that
hold no arrogant malfiesance or inconsideration
but are merely like child genius deities
juggling balls of colorful multiverses.

Alas, poor EARTHERS, we knew them,
once, before the amalgam of tissue, nerves,
and electrons didst deceive the ego matrix,
a whirlwind of imprecise perceptions triggered
by distant memory embedded in eternal THEN.

There's always time for Jello!

Yes, Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) had a marvelous
insight, similarly, as once expressed in his:


There is a great excitement and interest today in what is
described as the "paradigm shift" in science. Humanity's
understanding of the universe and its place in it is
changing dramatically. Ether, God and Devil (1949) and
Cosmic Superimposition (1951) are two groundbreaking books
that initiated the current paradigm shift long before the
concept was popularized in Thomas Kuhn's 1962 work,
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, and the later
works of such best selling authors as Fritjof Capra,
Gary Zukav, Timothy Ferris, and many more. In Ether,
God and Devil, Reich describes his process of thinking -
which he called orgonomic functionalism - and shows how
the inner logic of this objective thought technique
led him to the discovery of the cosmic orgone energy.
In Cosmic Superimposition, Reich steps out of our current
framework of mechanistic-mystical thinking and comes to a
radically different understanding of how man is rooted in
nature. He shows clearly how the superimposition of two
orgone energy streams - demonstrable in the human genital
embrace and in the formation of spiral galaxies - is the
common functioning principle in all of nature.
Together, these two works usher in a fundamentally new
view of humanity, nature, and man's place in the cosmos.
With translations by Therese Pol

[***Cue Thunder and Lightning special effects***]

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

NASA Calls on APL to Send a Probe to the Sun

The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
is sending a spacecraft closer to the sun than any probe
has ever gone -- and what it finds could revolutionize
what we know about our star and the solar wind that
influences everything in our solar system.

NASA has tapped APL to develop the ambitious
Solar Probe mission, which will study the streams
of charged particles the sun hurls into space from
a vantage point within the sun's corona -- its
outer atmosphere -- where the processes that heat
the corona and produce solar wind occur.
At closest approach Solar Probe would zip past
the sun at 125 miles per second, protected by
a carbon-composite heat shield that must
withstand up to 2,600 degrees Fahrenheit and
survive blasts of radiation and energized dust
at levels not experienced by any
previous spacecraft.

Experts in the U.S. and abroad have grappled
with this mission concept for more than 30 years,
running into seemingly insurmountable technology
and budgetary limitations. But in February an
APL-led team completed a Solar Probe engineering
and mission design study at NASA's request,
detailing just how the robotic mission could be
accomplished. The study team used an APL-led 2005
study as its baseline, but then significantly
altered the concept to meet challenging cost and
technical conditions provided by NASA.

"We knew we were on the right track," says
Andrew Dantzler, Solar Probe project manager
at APL. "Now we've put it all together in an
innovative package; the technology is within
reach, the concept is feasible and the entire
mission can be done for less than $750 million
[in fiscal 2007 dollars], or about the cost of
a medium-class planetary mission. NASA decided
it was time."

APL will design and build the spacecraft,
on a schedule to launch in 2015. The compact,
solar-powered probe would weigh about 1,000
pounds; preliminary designs include a 9-foot-diameter,
6-inch-thick, carbon-foam-filled solar shield atop
the spacecraft body. Two sets of solar arrays would
retract or extend as the spacecraft swings toward
or away from the sun during several loops around
the inner solar system, making sure the panels stay
at proper temperatures and power levels. At its
closest passes the spacecraft must survive solar
intensity more than 500 times what spacecraft
experience while orbiting Earth.

Solar Probe will use seven Venus flybys over
nearly seven years to gradually shrink its
orbit around the sun, coming as close as
4.1 million miles (6.6 million kilometers)
to the sun, well within the orbit of Mercury
and about eight times closer than any
spacecraft has come before.

Solar Probe will employ a combination of
in-place and remote measurements to achieve
the mission's primary scientific goals:
determine the structure and dynamics of
the magnetic fields at the sources of
solar wind; trace the flow of energy that
heats the corona and accelerates the
solar wind; determine what mechanisms
accelerate and transport energetic
particles; and explore dusty plasma near
the sun and its influence on solar wind
and energetic particle formation.
Details will be spelled out in a Solar Probe
Science and Technology Definition Team study
that NASA will release later this year.
NASA will also release a separate Announcement
of Opportunity for the spacecraft's
science payload.

"Solar Probe is a true mission of exploration,"
says Dr. Robert Decker, Solar Probe project
scientist at APL. "For example, the spacecraft
will go close enough to the sun to watch the
solar wind speed up from subsonic to supersonic,
and it will fly though the birthplace of the
highest energy solar particles. And, as with
all missions of discovery, Solar Probe is
likely to raise more questions than it answers."

APL's experience in developing spacecraft
to study the sun-Earth relationship -- or
to work near the sun -- includes ACE, which
recently marked its 10th year of sampling
energetic particles between Earth and the
sun; TIMED, currently examining solar
effects on Earth's upper atmosphere; the
twin STEREO probes, which have snapped the
first 3-D images of explosive solar events
called coronal mass ejections; and the
Radiation Belt Storm Probes, which will
examine the regions of energetic particles
trapped by Earth's magnetic field.

Solar Probe will be fortified with
heat-resistant technologies developed
for APL's MESSENGER spacecraft, which
completed its first flyby of Mercury
in January and will begin orbiting
that planet in 2011. Solar Probe's
solar shield concept was partially
influenced by designs of
MESSENGER's sunshade.

Solar Probe is part of NASA's Living
with a Star Program, designed to learn
more about the sun and its effects on
planetary systems and human activities.
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, Md., manages the program for
the Science Mission Directorate at
NASA Headquarters, Washington. For more
information, visit

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