| I’m having trouble placing a couple of details about the leprosarium--where should I put them?
“There, upon the clay of stones / Memory has deposited / like a shipwreck reddish with pinks / Like an ossuary of loves.”
| How will the day end?
“I don’t know, any more than then, when I used to say, from within, or from without, from the coming night or from under the ground” |
| How will the day end?
“A woman’s love / is like / the morning dew / it’s just as apt / to fall on / a radiant horseturd / as on a rose.” |
| How healthy will I be in the next four months?
“Madame, I think Monsieur Nijinsky is ill, or perhaps very drunk, for he acts so queerly. His voice is hoarse and his eyes all hazy. I am frightened.” |
| Would it have made any difference?
“The bad smell he smelt was the smell of himself.” |
| Why did you choose Surrealism over Dadaism?
“I will walk naked and carry a cane.”
How’s the afterlife?
“If your heart says so / we’ll turn on the streetlights / we’ll chit-chat / loving’s not everything / We’ve still got to hang ourselves” |
| How should I begin writing about silence?
“Let’s say God in his High Heaven is hungry and has decided to make himself some tuna fish sandwiches. He’s already finished making two of them, on sourdough, before he realizes that the fish is bad. What is he going to do with these sandwiches? They’re already made, but he doesn’t want to eat them.” |
| What was it died in my oven?
“It was like a public execution! Everyone there to witness the slaughter of art and happiness.” |
| You think I should get a tattoo?
“and we were already, / in her lyric, contained. / This is what imagination / must do, isn’t it, find a form?” |
| What should America do with the Guantanamo bay detainees?
“However, is there anything human without imperfection? / And, after all, look, we are going forward.” |
| Did my father ever love my mother?
“And so always, then the impossibility of my knowing” |
| Did my father ever love my mother?
“I live there with you” |
| Should I open that pack of cigarettes I have hidden in the back of the drawer?
“I find it difficult to imagine you / in bed, making love to a woman...” |
| Will I ever feel well rested again?
“Morrow of a caterpillar in evening dress means: butterfly. / Breast of the crystal means: a decanter.” |
| Is there intelligent life other than us people?
“I see a narrow strip of darkness there and a little love. And then I see a large T, which means the treachery of a woman.” |
| How do we live together? Can we?
"A countryman, who was a witness of the encounter, came to the assistance of the eagle, and succeeded in freeing him from the Serpent and enabling him to escape. In revenge, the Serpent spat some of his poison into the man's drinking-horn."
Where do babies really come from?
“THE SHE-GOATS having obtained a beard by request to Jupiter” |
| Where do babies really come from?
“the sofa behind the table.” |
| Tell me what you like.
"A temptation any temptation is an exclamation if there are misdeeds and little bones." |
| Where should I start?
“It is sometimes possible to put the fallen petal back / On the flower. You can make something be all right again, though / Men, realists, & pessimists may deny this, experience affirms it.”
How do I talk about her?
“An unreconstructed something or other. If you’re shaking a little / again it’s the kind / Of shaking that keeps you steady.” |
| What about over illness or age?
“TO your blushing we shout the obscenities, we scream the blasphemies that you, being weak, whisper alone in the dark.” |
| I am writing about death. Frank help.
“You have to remember these are the memories / Of a survivor, you have to remember.” |
| How do you vision people?
“How long will my mind remain in this wasteland. / Wherever I turn my eyes, wherever I may look / I see black ruins of life here” |
| What should I write about today?
“Monkeys and judges prefer to keep silent.” |
| How can I channel O’Hara’s voice?
“I don’t really blame you for being dead but you can’t have your sweater back” |
| When?
“a touch of reason: ‘Why do you ask me? Is it that the level way through the desert is closed?’” |
| Do we need a revolution?
“She will say that you are abusing her house, she will chase you out, and you will have to go once more and drink alone on the terraces of the cafes” |
| What is addiction?
“As if wish Evolution, / some esoteric union / of Mission and gin-mill / must breed eventually / someones more amenable / to ecstasy”
What is Opiate?
“Women in uniform” |
| What is Opiate?
“I measure out my life with a steamshovel. / Come dusk I hang 10” |
| What Cure?
“The Home Movie Of Those Who Are Dead Now” |
| Poem? Will it be about the leprosarium?
“The hermit does not expect the Land to emerge from its well without surprise at the appointed / hour of dawn / No. One day at noon, it will come!” |
| Poem? Will it be about the leprosarium?
“The public city’s / ledgered and locked, but the secret city’s boundless; / from which do these tumbling towers arise?” |
| What is DeWitt’s greatest ambition?
“I mean to drift down a river, / sans shirt or shame! To start / fires, count the seconds between / thunder claps!” |
| Will an MFA kill the poet in me?
“From this it will perhaps be suspected: / that the inversion affected, not the order of the sentences, / but that of words only;”
How long will Chowder live a happy dog life?
“it seems advisable that the little that is known, on this subject, should be said.”
Will I have children?
“her married life was one long drawnsheet” |
| How can we all get famous?
“You saw Courageous Caesar next / You know what he became. / They defied him in his life / Then had him murdered just the same.” |
| How do I know if I’m not doing it right?
“if I ever want to part from myself, the exit is on this side and, I add mischievously, the entrance, the re-entrance is on the other.”
The shape or the hole?
“The elusive angle of a curtain” |
| What is great about mankind?
“I am in search of, not the Lion himself” |
| What is great about mankind?
“In becoming a soldier, her son has not been lost, he is merely in danger.” |
| What’s good about contracts?
“The desire for imaginary benefits often involves the loss of present blessings.” |
| Tell me what I long to hear.
“I love you as a sheriff searches for a walnut / That will solve a murder case unsolved for years.” |
| Why do you write?
“Your book on a hook dangling off the roof / attracted a white horse to the door.”
Is it better to take care of myself?
“Alone, I rush across / raining sidewalks with no umbrella” |
| What do you have to say about the 2012 prophesies?
“I saw the red moon too” |
| What do you have to say about the 2012 prophesies?
“I’ve got no time to unscrew points, / I’ll just be there Tuesday, that’s all, / and from which direction is anybody’s guess” |
| What does Christmas mean to you?
“I got good and drunk in the dark”
What is left to give?
“What kind of knife are you needing she asked / I’m needing one that’ll touch bottom” |
| What is left to give?
“the obscene hole people dig when they die.”
If you could fly anywhere, where would you go?
“home drunk and stoned” |
| The French Foreign Legion a good option for me after the MFA?
“There we go, bust again” |
| Should I never have recovered from Mardi Gras?
“you would / be jolted / if you ever saw / my dreams” |
| Should I never have recovered from Mardi Gras?
“And all around me the words sneak on tiptoe / and stifle me / when I try to catch them. / I cannot kill them / but they’re killing me.” |
| Should I buy a Sailboat?
“You could have had a pocket / of wolfbane, of gold codpieces, of a / pair of peacock-blue stockings worn by H.D.” |
| Where will the bullet come from?
“The Lion himself” |
| Where is there to hide?
“Alive and stinking, you mean?” |
| Who was your first kiss?
“lambs from the neighboring flocks” |
| What is the best way to relieve awkwardness?
“With a cloudless brightness / Surround our absences” |
| What is the best way to relieve awkwardness?
“imagine the future / sunlight falls on Paris / I am alone there is no / one whose love is perfect / man has been mad man’s / love is not perfect I” |
| How can I open myself up to the ghost transmissions around me?
“We must learn that our lips are not our own. A revolution is a savage education”
How can the poet separate between his writing and the rest of his life?
[blank page] |
| What makes a long poem long?
“A libation”
Where am I right now?
| And what should I tell people when they ask me about my ‘plans’?
“A dancing bear left the village square and went to piss against a wall.” |
| Whoever sleeps with me next is going to get a fuck they don’t deserve. Jeffrey knows what I am talking about, right, Jeffrey?
“you stuck your tongue out / & I felt infinity / filling my ear / like rock & roll.” |
| Why don’t I learn?
“The sea cries but the sea soon fades” |
| How do Dayflies know they’re dying?
“And when you reach your peak, Caesar at last, / when you take on the form of a famous man / then above all take heed as you go out on the street” When am I going to do my taxes cause Cavafy’s poem the “Ides of March” just reminded me?“Naturally you will speak of his poems-- / but speak of his beauty too, / of his delicate beauty that we loved” |
| Where will I find comfort?
“When I fought in the war, she fought, when I got up / she got up too, and when I sank / she began to sink with me.” |
| Where will I find comfort?
“As for you, the river / that isn’t there is the same one / you could drown in, face down.” |
| Do you think chimpanzees are manifestations of a supreme creator?
“Yet even then, in that hour of supreme agony, Our Merciful Redeemer had pity for mankind” |
| Is there any point in sleeping with the girl in the red shirt?
“We have labored for decades for this moment. All it requires now is your co-operation; for sufficient quantities of Tea are not, at this moment in time, available to us”
Yes, yes, but will I stumble and fuck her?
“Wittgenstein nodded thoughtfully. It is true, he said, that I have sometimes wished myself to be a member of no nation” |