to Steve | | The telephone rang It was Darrell calling from rehab He asked if he could stay with us so not to go back to old places & old ways but when we met the bus Darrell was already drunk arguing with the bus driver trying to get him to go off the route & take him to our place The visit went down hill from there Darrell slipping out that night leaving the door wide open so as not to wake us Darrell running away the day after & finally Darrell playing the mean drunk on the thrid day I told him he was too much & had to leave the next morning The last time I saw Darrell Gray I was so happy to see him go that I stood on the corner watching his bus disappear just to make sure he didn't get off & try to come back Fear got the best of me that day That's the kind of friend I was Darrell wasn't all form & no content He'd opened me up to a form of life I wanted to bury as quickly & completely as possible That was my survival instinct In the effort to become effortless the morning comes to those who awaken This planet may look more like a parking lot every day & yet out of all possible realities you've chosen one in which you find yourself reading this very line of poetry Nothing is as simple as it looks at first At a distance I could almost pass as human but up close I'm a real disappointment |