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The Exquisite Corpse - A Journal of Letters and Life
Edited by Andrei Codrescu
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Anti-Anthropomorhism or: Animals Redeemed

Hating the Dog
by Paul B. Hertneky

The struggle to control my emotions over Spooner's aging and eventual death leads me to recommend that dog owners never allow themselves to be seduced by affection for a dog. Next time, I will always refer to the dog as "the dog" to keep our relationship from becoming too personal. When it comes to having a dog at all, I will remember that I have taken this dog in a noble effort to save someone else from the heartbreak that could have come from loving it.
     I will not mistreat the dog but will treat it coarsely--avoid training it so I am not inclined to allow it to please me, feed and water it and keep it reasonably comfortable but confined. If possible, I will cultivate unpredictable and even violent behavior in the dog so that I will have an easier time despising it. Sometimes, perhaps, the dog should be allowed into the house where it can damage furniture and rugs and show itself to be an ungrateful cur. I will avoid speaking to the dog in any other tone than one of irritation, since peevishness leads to anger and anger can lead to an abiding sense of disgust for the animal. By no means should I look too long into the eyes of the dog. Dogs know the power of eye contact and can manipulate human emotions in that way. Better to steal a glance now and then to reassure myself that the creature is watching my every move and will do me harm if I allow it, which is welcome on occasions when I feel myself caring for the dog. Basic veterinary care should be extended to the dog in order to avoid feeling guilt for its physical maladies. Guilt will only give rise to other emotions and the only emotion I can afford is contempt.
     Should a female puppy play upon my heart strings I will keep it unspayed and allow it to consort with whatever randy male comes around, since scattering a litter of mongrels will only make me loathe it more. After more than a decade of embedded disdain, I will be ready for it to die. I will not wish for it to die, because its death will leave a void, one that I have filled by hating it. Regardless of how I prepare then, that void will draw me into grief. But, instead of feeling the tenderness and gratitude I am bound to feel when Spooner passes, I will cry out in anger and resentment at a God who treats me like a dog.




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