Exquisite Corpse - Issue 4
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by Larry Sawyer

As Usual

Shadows appear and disappear at will, constellations dig their appendages
inside the sky and streets narrow. Echoes resound from complicated
passageways and old men are murdered along forgotten hallways. Horses
exist, they gallop off across fields. A woman speaks of her dead mother
and cries into an open window. Once or twice, there were even a few
lonely ones, just like someone you know, sitting beneath clean ceilings
drinking coffee. Just now they are getting up to walk slowly home. Even
as you explain to yourself that it was just a dream, buildings collapse,
withering under the weight of ordinary thoughts.

Twining His Portion of the Sky

The snake throws his sum

   around the stars
The snake is a man on Wall St.
Obdurate is the word that
        best describes
Wandering these sleepless halls
Where one feels lost as
In the huge bowl of night
The din of the stars quite loud
As the heavens twist
        upon their pin
Outside the snow falls softly
        as the news of a death
Belly up, accountants flying.

No World Yet

Where the sky went, three
days now without. Once a glimmer
now know it's only a huge
yam, thrown by that crazy
chef, God.

Hope you read this before it's too late.
My soul has been eaten by you,
unhappy customer
devil moon.

Sometime blackjack dealer and poolshark, Larry Sawyer has recently had his poetry translated into Portuguese by Tabacaria Magazine and has been published in Cokefish, Nexus, Skylark and in the webzines Snakeskin, FZQ, and Big Bridge. Forthcoming work includes poetry in Dennis Formento's Mesechabe. He is also one of the poets featured on Ernest Slyman's site, Poet Watch, at http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7514/ and also on Gary Sullivan's ReadMe site at http://www.jps.net/nada/litlink.htm. In his spare time he edits milk magazine. Volume one features Cid Corman, Charles Henri Ford, Bill Berkson, and Jack Hirschman among others. Access milk's web site now via astral projection at http://milkmag.org/index.htm.

Email: Larry_Sawyer@mazer.com

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