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Angriculture (Frenglish fragments on kitsch & et al.)
by Calin-Andrei Mihailescu

  A Nino
mot à mot

J'entre pour porter ces considérations sur la complémentarité - dont on ne cesse de s'éblouir, étouffante, - entre l'esprit de l'avant-garde et les tourbillons du kitsch. Les deux couvrent, pour partager, tout un monde où il n'y a plus de place pour quelque chose d'autre, même pour une utopie ou pour ce tardif mot. Mais l'atlantiquité essaye de s'évader de l'encerclement des syphilistins qui l'ont fait possible.


            LE SYPHILISTIN (sometimes called the kitsch-man),
            EST LE             [P]


      On reconnaît aisément le syphilistin: il porte la photo de sa croix.

      Pas de MauxRalistes! No Rottenstants: keep them at bay for a while - they decaffeinate us they, decoffin our wept-over bodies they - to spit once more on their arrested multiplicities.

      ((p)ornographers laughing at those dried-up summoners. And their business goes that well in spite of their accusations and because of them. all this tied up with modern dialectics' chains. we see it, sense it, say it: chained, we await our eagle to show up, ruthnolessly, Swiss watch-like, and to eat up our liver and to write the gospel of the future whirlwind of fire which will unleash and carry us up to sky no. 8)

Le moraliste en ennemi paisible, composé dans l'éternel passé, apporte (toujours en offrande) sa contribution à la vie: une boule de neige qui rate les dames du temps jadis. Le moraliste (ou)est dans l'ombre de l'avant-garde et du kitsch où il n'y a pas d'"ici" qui lui soit réservé.

Mon frère ennemi - le syphilistin qui, par tous les moyens, apporte les fins du monde dans la ville et dans ta ruelle et dans notre lit.
Le Dasein du syphilistin (that trinket there) est le trou par lequel le vent du néant

      A coeur d'éon
princeps final de tout parler messianique, imitant les vagues, un écho du revenant. L'harmonie pythagoricienne de l'univers on la perçoit dans la dédésirée connaissance post-coïtale. Quand tous les animaux sont tristes, l'esprit maîtrise ses coups de dés. L'acordéon - la Seine sans vagues respire par ses poumons - se met à chanter:

noli me tangeri
noli me tangera

C'est vers le principe, dans le coeur de l'éon, que cette musique nous pousse. La con-naissance post-coïtale, calme défi à celle biblique, nous projette au-delà du commencement du temps, et l'illud tempus déménage pour peupler l'avenir.

Coito, ergo sum (Luca Pitu disait-il, quoi ?) Mais ça c'est du Descartes accompli dans sa coupure. La vraie vie est absente, écrivait Rimbaud sans trahir la große trahidition allemande. Les surréalistes vivent cette distinction entre "vivre et cesser de vivre comme solutions imaginaires" et la vraie vie dont l'absence est froidement (re)constituée sous un microscope, mais présente uniquement dans la connaissance d'au delà de l'amour qu'un orgasmoscope ne saurait mesurer.

Gott ist tot -
what's to be done?

(1) bring nostalgia in, heal his absence, fold your tears under the skirts of the golden urge over which the ol' good one was no less than reigning.
(2) go before (that) time when god's possibility was nihilincarnate.
The land before god chests the avantgarde's spear

                              the name of the land is
                        its discovery -

                   +heretical than America's

Avantgarde makes history impossible; it makes unhappenings out of stories. You can't tell what's going on in Magritte's paintings, can't make stories out of them. The only way to narrativize them is to tell the story of your own interpretation of Magritte's paintings. All these are stories about how we can't make stories. Time is devoid of events, a pure time, at the antipodes of Kant's a priori - insofar as it is obtained by incontrolable syntheses: of blindness and prophane, of sacred and insight.

Les atlantes, revenant des cauchemars bénignes de Platon, encrassent dans la région déserte de nos abîmes, leur bleues profondeurs. Ecrivant Ulysses, Joyce songeait aux tous les sens que le nom de Molly Bloom pouvait réveiller. (te rappelles-tu, Nino, moly était le nom de la plante que Hermès donna à Odyssée pour contre-carrer la Circé). Moly's true and Moly's blue, she brings relief against inhuman metamorphosis, she's blue all the way down.
      But easy going Moly does not pay rent in Atlantiquity (this hints to what you know about Atlantiquity, to which I can't attend verbally); she's before that, between you and that remote improbability which is the land of the avantgarde: "... and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes" (and so Ulysses turns its returns into an ending). Blue Moly in improbable fields.

Attends, t'entends: les syphilistins s'approchent.

Chaque matin, les enfants partent dans l'inquiètude. (Il faut bien reconnaître, avec A. B., que la plus grande liberté d'esprit nous est laissèe).
      Then let's push hardships

                                    we grow old, our ships slowly babblingly

To keep up with the spirit of the avantgarde is as unbearable as to live with history. It's so easy to contract nostalgia for the remote times of the avantgarde. Unless you hide - under the crimson moving wounds or under the clean sheet of freckled skin - the scars with which history has marked you, you'll be in the arrieregarde of the avantgarde. They're all mad in their crave for purity; on top of, avantgarde is crazy.

Voler, imaginer, rêver, les verbes ailés du royaume de l'instantané qu'est l'avant-garde.
            Des anges avant la lettre de l'apôtre.

Gloire calculable aux trente-six chandelles des jambes mortuaires de mme
                   ] Husserl [
                  qui chante
                  salva veritate et mori.

Atlantiquité bleue, Atlantiquité sauvage, monde ouvert par une seule limite.

Fearful angels, sweetened by syphilistines: de-demonizing angels bring kitsch out.

                        before a trinket
                        vertigo sum

Trinkets, alien (to) subjects, aggressive ontities that perform upon me the ritual surgery of the void. Their phenomenology builds a secure bracketing out of my own taste - not the taste-already-in-statement, the judgement - but the felt taste, the substantial basis of the statement that falsifies its ground. Taste as a faculty - like imagination or memory - is that which lacks in the process of cutting phenomenological ways through kitsch.

Be happy. Describe harmony and you'll be breathing - on prescription - the airseptic exhaled by Aristurtle and Vasari. Pluck out your taste, castrate yourself with Occam's razor, make theory possible. But don't make it desirable, for it's already possible - make a gewgaw out of yourself.

The kitsch object devours the surroundings: environment unfriendly, it makes space and time shrink, it infantilizes our experience, but it closes the way of innocence. It buries experience in velvet coffins not to be open - no one should open that canned void. Kitsch, technè of happy funerals. From the outside, taste tastes its own burial.

Nature knows better than kitsch (and what she does not know better, she forgets); it simply lacks this possibility - no color combination, no shapes in nature are kitsch. It is taste that which bring naturaleness in the higher states of contemplation and the subject to the understanding of its nature. There is no way back from kitsch. It is naked force tamed by numbers.
Kitsch is the heroin and heroism of the masses.

Not gusto (that yucky hellitistism), but kitsch is the beauty-end dans les par/ages des reproductions: mécanique, électronique, gênétique.

                  Let's do nothing
                  and we'll all be Americans:
                  we'll sambalabada, we'll tangotohell
                  we'll well and we'll fast forget taste and smell

Obscure, as a matter of pedigree, we'll shine back and forth, over the oceans dried up by our boys gone to war; we've never been aristocrats and never needed taste as a thin life jacket; bad taste has no aftertaste for us. Nous sommes les résonneneurs de la Realpolitik. We're bullies of bliss, we don't murmur, we state.

                  The institute of inequality
                  - the unbecoming State -
                  genetically lacks a knack for beauty

then kitsch will take care of its business, kitsch will be the cradle of state/ments. And aura-beauty-pure? Who's there to weep it? Whoever it is, is on the losing side, crammed in the little enigmatic black hole that's squishy-squished, more&more, by kitsch and politics. Il nous faut deux guerres, et, puis, un Daguerre, pour nous en sortir.

                  L'avantgarde de l'entre
                  (les jambes jalouses de la) guerre

Deux guerres, et Dieu change d'intention, devient pessimiste, bénit n'importe quoi (tes sourcils, une autoroute, le Wall Street, la famille). Et maintenant il bénit le kitsch, la voie démocratique que retourne les troupeaux vers son royaume. Idyllique dieu, ce theos-telos de la technique.

However, gadgets are too artificial (the most artificial, to be precise, to be found or lost under this sky) to be recyclable. Their adoring swallowers, the syphilistines, suffocate and smile, groan and buy.
Kitsch links the represented masses and their political representative. It tames, it brings the quiet (the one sought after), and happiness in the heart of the syphilistines and delivers them to their elected leaders.
            - What do you want to do to me?
            - I want to elect you

So, so... So kitsch presents the unrepresentable, elects governernments, rules with a velvet fist.

This wind sweeps concentration way: the kitsch man (like Spiderman, Superman, Batman) does not focus on the kitsch object. The latter is peripheral to the former. It can be perceived in a corner or on a shelf, conveniently far away. You live a kind of quiet knowing that it is there, whatever may happen to this exhausting, cruel, and cold world. Kitsch engineers the distance it has to be perceived from, together with the continuous attraction it exerts, that gently undermines that distance. For the syphilistine, the kitsch object is an angelic sign which protects him from himself, a symbol of gentle possession.

            Bibélothéque, musée des muses du kitsch.

As a matter of taste, the global's split between the hyperreal Atlantiquity and the syphilistine infrareal. Complementarity. Taste hyperhates the many. Syphilistines just infracare.

Comment doit-on être pour être (dégoûté par le kitsch)? Il paraît qu'on le saura un jour, un jour plus vieux que le plus jeune jour, le jour du jugement négatif. Mais pour percevoir l'avant-garde à la savourette, il faut s'avant-de-tout-garder d'être déplacé.

Cette querelle des goûts warns us: kitsch presents as life that which, for us, is fully meaningless and meaningfully void. Ontologically, kitsch is blindness to death, the shift away from shit - l'idylle qui remplace l'idée.

            Through each kitsch
            the abyss looks into you
            and tells you not to worry.
            Indeed, why would you?


Your transparent your self
Narcisse, m'a(b)ime



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