Exquisite Corpse - Issue 3
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EC ChairCritical UrgenciesBurning BushFiccionesSecret AgentsStage and ScreenLettersGallery
by Larry Sawyer


She was the last can of soup, her steaming

metal poured along the late afternoon streets
into the dirty gutters, across the boulevards
the avenues, the promenades
And down at the track they
placed bets on her brood as in her veins
the tomato soup, hot as blood poured
She ate the soup as if it were the food of the gods
She crossed the street dragging down the sun
Pizza parlors closed one after another in her wake
She called from a great distance inside the waves
Her hair holding sea-horses and starfish, her arms
green with the brine of millennia
As if the evening could understand the formulae
of DNA that dripped from her eyes
She knew that no one would understand that the food
of her flesh was something that no man could ever
do without in silences that boiled over like hurricanes
No one survived her misunderstood sentences
None could take their eyes off her
Steam rising from every manhole in the city

that children rebuild every night in her sands.



Larry Sawyer has recently had his poetry translated into Portuguese by the magazine Tabacaria and has been published in Cokefish, Nexus, the webzines Snakeskin and FZQ. Forthcoming work includes poetry in Mesechabe, Skylark, and in the webzines Savoy and Big Bridge. In his spare time he edits milk magazine. Volume one features Cid Corman, Bill Berkson, Wanda Coleman and Frank Lima among others. milk's new website can be accessed at http://www.milkmag.org and Larry can also be contacted at milkmag70@hotmail.com. Selah...

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